South Holland - Limburg

It takes about three days with my boat to go from Tilburg down the Wilhelmina Canal to the Maas River. I was lucky to find a “Passantenhaven” just up the river when leaving the Panheel Lock at the end of the “Kanaal Wessem - Nederwert”. There is a small number of berths, and you register at the “Gasterie de Knip”. They are very friendly and helpful with anything you may need (including an excellent dinner). There seem to be berths available at the moment without having to call before. This stands a bit in contrast to the other marinas around which are often full.

This last lock is quite a high one, by the way. And I was against a straight wall going down 9 meters or so, with no way to hold. You can slide down a pole at the lock chamber’s beginning and end. Make sure you get there, should you go up or down this lock.

It seems that the marinas in this region are packed. There are not many people, but many boats. So, I may struggle to find a mooring place, as I plan to stay in the region until winter stalling. Meanwhile, the weather turned a bit volatile. Anything from sunshine to heavy rain and strong winds comes within 30 minutes.

I refuelled 150 litres at 2.03 EUR/litre. As my engine is super efficient with just below 2 l/hour consumption, this will take me around to explore the region. I took the car today but learned that the land and water perspectives are completely different. It’s good to stay on the water.