Ice skating to the office
The Chinese new year started with a sunny Sunday. And as it was a working Sunday, I took the opportunity to commute to the office on my ice skates. This was a very nice commute, down the canal to Sanlitun in the morning. The water level has been dropping and the ice is cracky, but thick and safe. Only at some inlets it is melting. And at one point there is a hole which people use to (believe it or not) go swimming. At night going home, I did not skate, because I could not see the cracks in the dark and also I might have fallen into one of these holes. Many companies have started work today, even it is a Sunday. Together with having a working Saturday the week before, many had 7 days public holidays in a row. But the Sunday was not a quiet one, as everybody tried to get a headstart. From tomorrow, the calendar is packed and I expect a bit of a stormy week also, because we have quite high visitors. So, in terms of blog entries I might excuse myself for a few days.