First Autumn Leaves
The last week, was called Golden Week and it is a week's public holiday around the Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day. This is why many people are on the way to their home towns and families, take the opportunity to do short trip and decorate their houses with some extra National flags (everything is National here anyways). Beijing was a very calm city during this week. Only the obvious tourist places were crowded. First I was annoyed by not being able to go to Japan (another one of these National things), but then I enjoyed having a quiet week and looking into corners of the city which I did not explore yet.
Yesterday before sunset, I also got aware what else "Golden Week" meant this year. The first autumn leaves were changing color. When I walked along the river back home, I could even hear some rustling around my feet. Not the deep rustle and crackle of walking through a forest, but the little one of strolling through a park in fall.