Lettre International revisited
After a break during last year's travels I decided to re-subscribe to the quarterly Lettre International again. There were a few reasons coming together to do so. First, I was pointed by a friend to the literature magazine Grand Street which he said is something non shallow and worth reading. So, when I went to their website, I found they went out of business. Secondly, my container arrived from Hong Kong and I found an older copy of Lettre International and read it again enjoying it a lot. As most of my quite extensive library is on Amazon Kindle, I was looking for an electronic equivalent first. When you travel and move a lot you have quite some respect towards boxes filled with books and paper. But I found no electronic alternative, and when I look at the whole product, I guess there never will be. Last but not least, I found the quarterly periodical just the right dose to read a European cultural magazine when you spend most of your time in Asia. I signed up for 3 years, which will carry me through the normal period of my current China assignment. Now I am waiting for the next publication to reach me in Beijing, while I am still reading in the one year old copy when time allows. Hope my readership also contributes a bit that this magazine will not go out of business in due course. This would be a real loss.