White Christmas has been still a reality in Westerwald (Germany) for quite a while. But this year interestingly there are 7 - 8 degree Celsius during daytime and night temperature not far below that, and well above zero. No frost. The general weather pattern of this region is, that we have wet Westerly winds at the end of December. So, it is not unusual that frost comes only in early January, when winds turn to East and North-East. But still, this is unusual that in the time associated with winter, you have Daisies in the garden and trees still with flowers. For the bigger picture: if this is climate change, then the first predictions I heard in my Meteorology classes at Cologne University in 1986 actually are coming true. Should the others also come true, then we are in a deep mess.
Christmas view 2014 in Westerwald (Germany)
Not exactly a white Christmas