Week one starts in Bonn (Germany)

The first week of my retirement from big corporate started in Bonn, the former capital city of West Germany, working on a small forecasting project for B+L Marktdaten GmbH. It is nice to have an interesting topic to think about, a quiet and undisturbed place to do so, and smart people to bounce ideas with. I like it much more than paying supplier to do work for me, which I actually would enjoy doing myself. We stayed in the Bonn University Guesthouse which is a quiet and convenient place to be. They also hosted a conference on core technology for electric mobility, and people were happily discussing their inventions for batteries, battery management systems, and also mechatronic solutions which could make electric cars much more easy to maintain than conventional ones. First snowflakes yesterday, were increasing expectations to probably have a white Christmas. Let’s see. The Christmas Market is already up and running here.
