We are moving to Ħaż-Żabbar, after having stayed at the University Residence in Lija for 6 weeks. Just changing neighborhoods. No big travel this time, no big packing, no jet lag, no friends to say good bye. We just change quarters. After over a year on the road this is a nearly forgotten experience. Only one little friend we have to leave behind: the small cat at the olive trees. We won't see each other again. But it can't see me anyways, as it is blind. They have nine lives I was told, out of which this one already used two of the quota. First, it nearly died after birth, and was found by a kind person lying in the rain. He brought it into the restaurant he was working, and took care until it recovered. Second, we found it with a bad eye infection, and starving as it could not find food. Two days more and that would have been it. So we fed it antibiotics for 10 days, and brought is back to weight. Now its fine, but blind. Seven more lives to go. Sounds a lot, but I would use them more slowly. Not easy when you are blind, I guess. And remember: cars don't count the normal way. They can easily take them all in one go. They have two ways to kill: pollution (works slowly) and impact (very fast). So, watch out! - just joking. Good luck!
Farewell lunch at the sunny place under the olive tree.