La Traviata in Schloss Engers
The open air performance of La Traviata in Schloss Engers on July 31st was really at risk of rain. But we were very lucky, and there were only a few drops, minutes before the the opera started. The set up was in the court yard of the former hunting palace, which is located strait at the Rhine river. It was quite some fun, in the original sense of opera: entertainment, a very nice dinner in the palace, and an audience in a happy mood - nothing snobbish. Sometimes the local church bells rang, or the pilot of a sports plane decided to do an extra round to see what is happening down there. But this only caused amusement on all sides. We stayed in the palace guest house and drove back to Bonn on Monday morning.
The weather in Bonn then gave us a few days of more or less constant rain and I could have worked efficiently indoors, would I not have been plagued by severe vertigo. I still relate this to the rabies vaccination, of why I received the last shot of a 0, 3, 7 - scheme of Rabipur only 4 days ago. Still, I manage to do some work, plan the coming trip to Kenya, and prepare my lecture material for Strathmore University (Nairobi). It just goes slow, when everything spins around.
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