Reincarnation of Sony NEX-7

Zut alors! I wanted to update my Mathematica 10 installation, and realized that I forgot my laptop charger yesterday's meeting room. Never mind, I took the Sony NEX-7 and though: should the Valletta campus be closed, at least I can test the camera. I bought it in 2011 in Osaka to replace my Nikon full frame SLR, which was robbed in Peru, with a lighter alternative. Since then it was among other drowned in a lake in Cambridge, from which it recovered remarkably well. Last week, I cleaned the camera and mounted a 18-200 mm lens. I took two photos on the way, and I am quite happy with it.

View on Fort Saint Angelo, Kalkara and Rinella Bay

View on Fort Saint Angelo, Kalkara and Rinella Bay

Kalkara in the later afternoon sun.

Kalkara in the later afternoon sun.