Arthouse Cinema am Roßmarkt
The Arthouse Cinema in Frankfurt is located at Roßmarkt 7 (take subway to Hauptwache). There is another one in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen, but this is a but further for me, and I really like the Roßmarkt Cinema for the venue and the movies they pick. Quite frequently there are also special events in which the director or producer is invited for a question and answer session. I got myself a rebate card, and found it very easy in the last few weeks to break even, because there is so much to see. The list below is just my start. I am not a cinema critic, but I also wrote a few words how I found the films
The lobby of my favorite movie theater in Frankfurt, The Harmony Arthouse Cinema.
Das stille Klassenzimmer (The silent classroom): excellent
The Post (Die Verlegerin): kitsch
Die stille Revolution (The silent revolution): too many platitudes, Jannike Stoehr did a great job in her interview
Zwei Herren im Anzug (Two men in a suit): excellent
The Mercy (Vor uns das Meer): trying to make a romantic story of an idiot trying to sail the world
The Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri: excellent, not what I expected
Sami blood (Das Mädchen aus dem Norden): interesting
Drei Tage Quiberon (Three days Quiberon): interesting, but hard to think myself into Romy Schneider's tragedy
Death of Stalin: so bad that I left the cinema half way through
Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire): still very good, digitally remastered, and rare chance to see on big screen