Silkroad explained - Facts and Commentaries on the One Belt, one Road Initiative

We started a new initiative in a network of academics, researchers and practitioners committed to explaining the implications of the One Belt, One Road Initiative. Since 2013 a number of infrastructure projects have been funded, constructed and built on the back of Chinese government funding, including lending to governments along the New Silk Road. These provide a foundation for new commercial and cultural exchanges between countries along the route, and new business opportunities to both transnational and SME companies. 

Our team consisting of academics, policy experts and management consultants are offering information, views, news and analysis of developments in the New Silk Road area. This is backed by links to a variety of databases and opinion pieces. Our advice can be found in a range of publications, events, and opinion pieces. We also provide bespoke projects to clients on a confidential basis. Our group is independent and neutral with a commitment to providing accurate information and views. 

Events and further publications are in the making. Please visit our newly launched website and sign up for the mailing list:

We are committed to growing this network for the benefit of a wider audience of researchers and executives. Please get in touch, if you are interested to explore collaboration.
