My favorite Social Media: Postcrossing
Recently, I enjoyed “Postcrossing” after I heard about it on a German radio station. It is a global platform organizing the exchange of postcards among enthusiasts. As I buy postcards in most places I go, I do have quite a collection. But I am not really a collector, and enjoy sending and receiving them much more. So “Postcrossing” is for people like me and me. Like every medium, there is a self-selection of people who choose it. And this group is a very nice and interesting one. Today, after coming home from a morning lecture at the Wiesbaden Academy of Fashion and Design, I found a card from the Russian city Sarov (Саро́в) in my mailbox. I knew it was a closed city as it contains a Russian Nuclear Research Centre and Rosatom. Previously it was also called Gorkiy-130 (Горький-130), Arzamas-16 (Арзама́с-16) and Kremlyov (Кремлёв). So, I started to read more and it is fascinating.