TIAS and on to Zürich

Last week was the first time I taught my Strategy Course at TIAS (Tilburg Institute of Advanced Studies) in the EMBA Programme. And I really enjoyed it. Great participants from all kinds of industries and walks of life, which reflect the structure of the Dutch industry landscape. TIAS developed into a highly regarded business school, which Tilburg University and Eindhoven University own. Teaching this course gave me a really good insight into the current challenges of Dutch companies, which are different from what we experience in Germany. For the future, I will also restructure my course a bit to reflect these differences.

After driving back from Tilburg, with a quick stopover in Germany, I flew from Frankfurt to Zürich to work the next week. Normally, I would have taken the train for such a small distance. But the German railway is currently in such a desolate condition that I took the plane. The flight time was just 35 minutes. With the German Railway, such a trip is completely unpredictable and can take you a whole day, if you arrive at all.

Arriving in Zürich is nice: friendly, quiet, efficient, clean and safe. Switzerland appears to be everything Germany is not anymore. So, I am looking forward to start my week here.