Which National Elites are creating or extracting value?
After a stop over Stuttgart, I continued to Switzerland for the launch of the Elite Quality Index 2024 launch (EQx 2024) at St. Gallen University. We contributed this year two indicators on Housing Affordability and the Construction Supply Gap. The first time I heard about the “Elite Quality” approach, I was skeptical. What convinced me was that it it describes a metric to assess whether an elite of a Nation is positively contributing to a sustainable development or it is extractive. It is very well thought through and provides scientific foundations assessing people in power and how they use it. This year Singapore came first and Switzerland second. It is interesting how two so different systems are neck in neck on the same scale and achieving this in such different ways. The full report can be obtained by clicking here. It is meant to serve as a data source for researchers, policy makers and also journalists. There is also a nice online tool available to analyse trends and compare countries. You find this, by clicking here. As a next step the approach will be expanded to to corporate levels, to measure the sustainable value creation of management teams. That should be very interesting, having such information on major publicly listed companies available.