From Malta, Gozo island and Sicily are always nice escapes. As I needed a break from going through files and evaluating construction projects related to China's "One Belt, one Road" initiative, Gozo was a nice weekend destination. At the same time, was the opening of "Valletta 2018", the capital of Malta hosting the European Cultural Capital. I heard, it was spectacular. But personally I appreciate more the programme that follows than the launching ceremony. So, I opted for Gozo while many came to Valletta. It was a windy weekend, up to 8 Beaufort. So, I could only fly my drone once, before the storm caught up. I am really amazed about the camera stabilisier in the DJI Spark. Have a look below: this was already quite shaky, but the drone still produces clear pictures. Furthermore, I really enjoyed excellent seafood in Xlendi and a visit to Our Lady of Ta' Pinu Basilica in Gharb, which I have not been to before.
Gozo Island
Gozo Island is in the waters of Malta, located on its North-Western tip. In the centre, the city Victoria with an amazing Citadelle already shows that this is not "just" an island with fishing villages, but that it has history going back into Neolithic age, and it was also in historical times a place of importance. Odysseus might have landed in the Calypso Cave, overlooking the islands , and all over the bays show defense towers which date back to the 1650s. A nice place to hop over by ferry. I was told that Gozo feels like Malta twenty years ago. Both places are very nice, but sure Gozo is more rural and (even more) laid back.
The Xlendi Tower (Gozo Island)
From Germany we made a quick trip to Malta and beside the holiday aspect, I had the honor and pleasure to be invited for a research seminar to the University of Malta. This is a very impressive place with very friendly people, and we enjoyed it a lot. More on the stay you find in the travel blog, and here just a few snapshots from the stay in Valletta, Mdina and Rabat.

Land of Honey
Even the group of islands is located very near - just off the coasts of Italy, Tunisia and Libya - I never before went to Malta. Pre-history started in Malta about 5200 years ago, with hunters from Sicily. Since then it had a lively history, which is exciting to study. And nearly anywhere in Malta you see its history and culture at such high density, that it would take you ages to explore the small country really in depth. I had the honor and pleasure to give a research seminar at the University of Malta, which itself was founded by Jesuits in 1592. The seminar itself, I enjoyed very much, and more so the hospitality and good humor of my kind hosts. Malta has an indigenous breed of bees which gave the islands the nickname "Land of Honey", and actually there are a lot of aspects which make the lands biblical. Powers have changed often, and the last scares of siege (but not invasion) are from the attacks of Italy and Germany.
I was very much surprised by the size of the fortification of Valletta. It is an amazing city and current construction activities are developing it into a perfect blend of history and modernity. It took me a long time to make my first trip to Malta. But it won't take me long to come back.