Gardens and markets
This year, thanks to ample rainfall in spring, local havests in Malta are good. There are two main farmer's market in Malta: one in Ta' Qali Attard (Tuesday 16:00 - 19:00, Saturday 9:00 - 17:00) and the other one at Birgu, St. Edward Street (Saturday, 7:00 - 12:00). This year's first local patatoes are available and grains will follow soon. Both markets have a decent supply of local vegetable and fruits. And of course such markets always teach you a lot about traditions and culture. It is good to see that the demand for such products is growing. The easy acess to junk food and degraded eating habits are already a public health issue in Malta. And also a success in local agriculture will return the value of agricultural and garden land, which otherwise turns too easy into a rubbish tip here.
Barley field, garden and fortress on the way to Rinella Bay.
View from the kitchen window.