From Moscow with Love
I heard that Leo Tolstoy’s novel would be renamed into “Special Military Operation and Peace”. No, you may think now: “How can he crack jokes while people are suffering?” German humour? And it’s not even funny. Trust me, I know how bad the situation is. I do everything I can, on all sides of the conflict, to provide tangible civilian aid and good words. Bad words we really have enough.
My view may be unpopular and even wrong, but I really cannot imagine how the supply of weapons to Ukraine can work in the direction of reducing human suffering. Don’t get me wrong: I am not a hippy pacifist dancing into the sunrise for world peace. I just don’t understand how supplying Ukraine with small arms, bazookas and SAMs do anything else than turn Ukrainian cities into unnecessary bloody battlezones. Especially, when they are supplied to untrained, civilian hands. Surprised that ceasefires fail? It also reduces the possibility for Russian (and Ukrainian) soldiers to quickly discriminate between a combatant and non-combatant. So, how do you think that will go? Then there is the discussion to supply Polish-based fighter planes to Ukraine and replace them with F-16. This looks a bit like a PR stunt. Like a comedian had the idea. How do you get them there (the planes, not the comedians)? And what do you do with them? I understand that some US senators think this is a good idea. Well, I also wish President Biden good health. This must be very stressful for him too. Imagine, pushing for an oil embargo against Russia, while being the world’s largest oil producer, at 140 USD / barrel.
Sorry, this was a bit of a cynical rant. But I do think that it is very likely, Russia will achieve its military objectives. So, why can’t we start negotiating the aftermath a little earlier and with less human toll? Like now.