The cradle of Teletubbies

When Wilhelm Kattwinkel visited the Olduvai Gorge in 1911 to research sleeping sickness , he observed humanoid archeological remains, in 1913 identified by the German Geologist to be probably the “cradle of mankind”. I visited Germany, also for a different purpose, but now sitting at Frankfurt Airport waiting for my flight out. Now, thinking back I am convinced, I discovered “the cradle of Teletubbies” (Teletubbies - Wikipedia). It is amazing resemblance in shape, vocabulary, grammatical proficiency, everyday activities and outlook on life. Yesterday I took first a local train from Bingen to Frankfurt Main station, packed with them. My plan was to extend my expedition with a walk through Frankfurt. But the station is cordoned my a non-penetrable ring of “Zombie Proto-Teletubbies”. Before they had the chance to bite me, so I may become one of them, I jumped on an Uber and escaped to my airport hotel. There was not much around there, but I went for a little walk to discover a store selling organic produce. So, I went in to get myself some dinner ration, to discover the “Mindful Proto-Teletubbies”. It is a tribe where body and mind are one, which seems to be manifested by the IQ and the Body Mass Index (BMI) being the same number. They are so “mindful”, introverted and slow, that the main outside difference to the “Zombie Proto-Teletubbies is, that they have better teeth, and they look more peaceful, and you can communicate with them easily with the vocabulary: “Oh, oh, ey”. It’s a super efficient language, because you can express a lot of different things using these three words in a different intonation. It can be surprise, confirmation, anger, educational … anything. I guess, that’s what they call “German efficiency”. Well, I am out of here.